
Bio-inspired neuromorphic algorithms aim to process information more rapidly and more accurately than conventional algorithms, in the attempt to achieve brain-like capacity and efficiency in tasks that are challenging for traditional computers but easy for humans. With the development of applications more performing than ever, the computational requirements for running neuromorphic models are increasing exponentially, motivating efforts to develop new, specialized hardware for fast and efficient execution. Neuromorphic photonics, the implementation of neuromorphic information processing with optoelectronic hardware, is a new computational paradigm based on photons aiming to achieve brain-like information processing in the optical domain.

With photonics at its core, the diverse field of neuromorphic photonics is thereby built on a multitude of distinct research directions like biology, mathematics, nanotechnology, etc. and advanced through their cross-disciplinary efforts. A unified platform to enable high-level academic and industrial exchanges between the diverse subfields of neuromorphic photonics is, however, thus far missing.

Academic exchange is vital for advancing research in general, and in a field as diverse as neuromorphic photonics. ICNP24 aims to create a unified platform to enable high-level academic and industrial exchanges between the diverse subfields of neuromorphic photonics to advance the field and create long-term sustainable impact.

The topics of specific interest of the conference include but are not limited to:

·       Neuroinformatics and Neurotechnology

·       Neuromorphic photonic devices

·       Neuromorphic Photonic Systems and Applications

·       Materials for Neuromorphic Photonics

·       Physics of Neuromorphic Photonics

·       Advanced Optical Imaging

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